Sirali Kebap
This is the best restaurant in the region which serves kebab. The guests of “Sirali Kebap” in Antalya left such reviews:
“The cozy restaurant is located on the promenade.”
“Special atmosphere and very hospitable staff assist to have a good meal.”
“There is a lot to taste here, namely dozens of kebabs, delicious meat, snacks, and everything is spiced with wonderful views.”
“Tropik Restaurant”
This is a review about Tropik Restaurant in Kemer:
“Botanik Restaurant”
Here is a review of a guest:
“It is a special restaurant in Olympos with open-air tables, a very sincere atmosphere and delicious food. There is a huge selection of seafood dishes, and you can taste not only the Turkish, but also Mediterranean cuisine. The peculiarity of the restaurant is that dishes are cooked from fish, which is bred here. That’s why it is really fresh. Take your time on the journey and taste the national cuisine. You will certainly be surprised with its delicious taste.”
Аfiyet Оlsun